Core IT Solutions


"All our solutions are designed and delivered by technical experts who work with you to understand your needs and are not just a salesperson"
- Core IT Solutions

We deals in

Laptops / Desktops

Hp / Dell / Lenovo / Asus / Acer / Avita


Hp / Dell / Lenovo

CCTV Camera Installation

Hp / Canon / Epson /Brother /

Billing Machine

We are Authorized Dealer and Service Center for WeP Billing Machine

Vyapar Billing Software

We are Strategic Partner for Vyapar Billing Software for Aurangabad Region.


We are Corporate Sales Partner for Vi and Tata Tele Services for Aurangabad Region

Explore The World

Diremit mundi mare undae nunc mixtam tanto sibi. Nubes unda concordi. Fert his. Recessit mentes praecipites locum caligine sui egens erat. Silvas caeli regna.

Upcoming Tours & Destination

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris. Sinistra possedit litora ut nabataeaque. Setucant coepyterunt perveniunt animal! Concordi aurea nabataeaque seductaque constaque cepit sublime flexi nullus.

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